Dr.Satish Sahayak, India
Dr. Satish Sahayak has wide range of experience in aquaculture and post-harvest processing of the cultured sea food. Special experience is relevant to semi-intensive shrimp culture with specialized harvesting system that reduce post-harvest loss and improves the quality of harvested material when it reaches the processing plant.

He is also experienced in marine fish harvest onboard trawlers and techniques required to maintain the quality of the material till it reaches the shore. Experienced in using of blast freezer to preserve the fish onboard with special emphasis on blast freezing of Red Shrimps, Lobsters, Groupers and Cuttlefish. Improving the quality and appearance of fish, crustacean and cephalopod of deep-sea origin makes efficient marketability these sea-food materials.

Experienced in the preparation of chilled fish packing, especially packing of Jumbo size shrimps, 30, 40 count shrimps with maximum material and minimum ice, based on the travel time and day and night shipment time, were worked out for many chilled fish exporters in India. This has reduced their total freight cost and improved the profit. He was also involved in Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana of Government of India on regular basis and supervised the work force in processing plants and assessed their skill.
Training on handling of the sea food material in the processing plant and maintaining workers personal hygienic conditions inside the processing plant was also provided through The Marine Products Export Development Authority of India NET fish program. Experienced in issuing certificates related to export that is mandatory requirement for Government of India Export Inspection Agency. Sample preparation for quality assessment by overseas companies was done regularly. Experienced in customs related document preparation and bank documents for release of overseas funds. He is also experienced in site selection for processing plant, designing of the processing plant based on the topography of the land and adhering to the norms of the local government regulations. He has experience in waste management by setting up of small fish drying, powdering unit and converting into useful animal feed. Experienced I designing of effluent treatment plant with latest micro-bubble techniques have been developed for efficient use of the land space for effluent treatment system.