Dr. Ratish Menon, India
Dr. Ratish Menon has over 20 years of experience in commercial marine shrimp hatchery and farming operations. He is experienced in designing and operational management of large scale commercial shrimp hatcheries in India and in the Republic of Seychelles. He managed two hatcheries in Seychelles from construction till production. He is also working as operations manager in shrimp farming division in Nigeria and engaged in shrimp farm project setup in West Africa, Nigeria & Gambia. Dr. Menon has been working as technical partner and associate for the production of L. vannamei in India.His expertise include design and operation of marine shrimp hatcheries, grow-out farm operations of the tiger shrimp P. monodon and the white leg shrimp L. vannamei. Hatchery technical expertise include algal culture technology relevant to the production of Skeletonema sp., and Chaetoceros sp., and other species of microalgae. Experienced in rearing different strains of P. monodon from Malaysia, Madagascar, Mozambique, India and Nigeria (Atlantic Ocean strain).
His expertise include setting up of broodstock collection centers, selection of broodstock and transportation in chartered air flights, especially from Madagascar, Mozambique, India and Nigeria. Hatchery larval rearing included P. indicus, P. merguiensis, M. affinis and P. monodon. He is experienced in site evaluation, design and setting up of marine shrimp hatcheries and in the feasibility studies and project proposals. He is also experienced in the fin fish culture relevant to milk fish, tilapia and carps.